CALS 183 Lab 8 outline Wednesday 12 October, 2011, 3-4pm 107 Morrill

For Group Critical Analysis Labs Monday Oct 17 - Friday Oct 21!

Announcements / Reminders / New stuff:

How's everything going?   How were labs?  Cameras work?   Uploading Questions? 

What parts of presenting do students need to work on most?

Group Critical Analysis Presentations next week.  PLEASE SCHEDULE ROLES (2 each).  No reflection papers needed.  Go over Grading sheets.

Please record the group critical analysis presentations, post good ones on web (in your public_html) and let Dr. L know.

Outside Speech Critiques Due at the beginning of lab next week (two drafts: first draft edited & signed by a lab mate, and second draft). If late -10%.  If still late one week later -20%.  If still late two weeks later: ZERO!  Please take as many Outside Speech Critique grading sheets as you have students.  Please grade these and return them within two weeks to your students.

Collect Reflection Folders from those students who gave an Informational Presentation the previous week.  Return Informational Presentation Reflection folders the week after they are turned in, or leave in Dr. L's OUT box just outside 208H Morrill.

Mid-Term Warning time:  Any student performing at a C level or lower, please email me their names.  Thanks.

Persuasive Speech Critiques sheets (view example).

 BEFORE your next LAB:

-Update the Speaking and Lab Roles Schedules for the semester: generally 8-9 speakers max per lab and Post on web.

-Use Grading Templates:

-Email your students remind them to be prepared for the Group Critical Analysis Presentations.

Bring to lab:

-Your laptop!

-Cameras from BH-Library Media center.  Get Camera pack (two flip cameras, & inside battery pack)  bring your UVM ID when you pick up the camera from the Media Center in BH Library.

-Four extra AA batteries as backup for the cameras.

-Group Presentation Critique Sheets and pencil with eraser

-Graded Informational Critiques, Graded Reflection Folders

-Timing Sheets

-Stop watch or something to keep time.

-"Master of Ceremonies Checklist"

-Lab Roles sheet with who is doing what when (print from web)

-Speech schedule sheets of who is speaking when (print from web)

-Attendance sheet for attendance taker
-Extra Student "Critique of Presentation" Templates 


Go to lab early:
-Leave enough time to get cameras, & set up. 


The Lab itself:


Return Graded Dramatic Readings (CALS 001 Library Workbooks) with student comments/critiques.  Return Graded Informational Presentation Critique sheets and Reflection Papers/Folders.

Collect Reflection Folders from students who gave their Informational Presentations last week.


Display and go over Speaking Schedule and Lab Roles Schedule (use document camera or computer projected, or hand out).  


Assign: Timer, camera person.  Save presentations to computer,  If any exceptionally good: send to Dr. L.

HAVE TEAMS PRESENT, Remind them there is no reflection paper due.  Persuasive presentations will be next.

Collect Self & Group Peer Evaluations from everyone (bring extras so students can fill them out).


Remind students who are speaking next week, and who is doing what lab role next week. 


Answer any questions.


After lab:

-Immediately Return Cameras to BH Library

-Meet with lab partner and reach consensus on the grade for each Informational Presentations & Reflection Folders & Group Presentations.  

-Upload the GOOD video files from the lab that day from the laptop to your public_html directory on zoo. Send URL to Dr. L. 

-Delete the links and the video files on your public_html from two weeks before.

-Erase videos from your laptop

-Record attendance and grades on excel template and save it in at least three different places (HD, flash thumb drive, Zoo).

-Email your students who will be giving a Persuasive presentation the following week (8-9 students per lab) to remind them to be prepared.

-Update the Speaking and Role Schedules on the web: 8-9 speakers max per lab.  Upload edited schedules and replace old files in your public_html. 

-Grade the Outside Speech Critiques.  Please get these graded and returned to the students within two weeks.

-Have Fun!