Wednesday Morning Lab Lab Role Schedule

Fall 2007

Dramatic Readings

September 12:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Samantha Welch

Timer: Gavin Cotterill

Attendance Taker: Joshua Wylie

Critique Forms Manager: Diane Hannigan

Speaker’s Aide: Zac Horrocks


Dramatic Readings

September 19:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Tessa Bussiere

Timer: Chris Costello

Attendance Taker: Lena Forman

Critique Forms Manager: Claire Godbersen

Speaker’s Aide: Lance Jennings


Informational Presentations

September 26:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Anne White

Timer: Andrew Graham

Camera operator: Diane Hannigan

Attendance Taker: Joshua Wylie

Critique Forms Manager: Hilary Koerner

Speaker’s Aide: Pearson Smith

Informational Presentations

October 3:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Martin Bushey

Timer: Jamie Holloway

Camera operator: Lena Forman

Attendance Taker: Cat Stirbis

Critique Forms Manager: Sam Welch

Speaker’s Aide: Claire Godbersen


Persuasive Presentations
October 10

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Andrew Graham

Timer: Pearson Smith

Camera operator: Gavin Cotterill

Attendance Taker: Anne White

Critique Forms Manager: Cat Stirbis

Speaker’s Aide: Diane Hannigan


Persuasive Presentations

October 17:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Joshua Wylie

Timer: Lena Forman

Camera operator: Sam Welch

Attendance Taker: Lance Jennings

Critique Forms Manager: Pearson Smith

Speaker’s Aide: Jamie Holloway


Choice Presentations

October 24:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Zac Horrocks

Timer: Claire Godbersen

Camera operator: Chris Costello

Attendance Taker: Martin Bushey

Critique Forms Manager: Zac Nuse

Speaker’s Aide: Andrew Graham

Choice Presentations

October 31:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Sam Welch

Timer: Pearson Smith

Camera operator: Joshua Wylie

Attendance Taker: Hilary Koerner

Critique Forms Manager: Anne White

Speaker’s Aide: Zac Horrocks


Catch-up Presentations

November 7:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Cat Stirbis

Timer: Tessa Bussiere

Camera operator: Lance Jennings

Attendance Taker: Zac Nuse

Critique Forms Manager: Chris Costello

Speaker’s Aide: Lena Forman


Group Critical Analysis Presentations

November 14:

Master of Ceremony and Classroom Facilitator: Zac Horrocks

Timer: Pearson Smith

Camera operator: Andrew Graham

Attendance Taker: Anne White

Critique Forms Manager: Cat Stirbis

Speaker’s Aide: Gavin Cotterill


Thanksgiving week, no labs

November 19-23:


Group Critical Analysis Presentations

November 28:


Any further business (party?)

December 5: