Best of UVM

I just read “The Best of UVM” in the Fall 1999 UVM Quarterly, and I was disappointed to find no “best of french fries” entry.

Beansie’s, the mobile lunch stand found in Battery Park, has the best french fries I’ve ever eaten. I don’t know what they do to them, other than cooking in several stages in different deep fryers, but they are outstanding, especially with vinegar.

Having relatives in Burlington, I’ve been back in town many times during the past thirty-four years, and I always try to stop at Beansie’s to enjoy a pint of fries. Several years ago, I was able to introduce them to my son-in-law, a Purdue grad from Indiana. He was very impressed and thought they alone made the trip worthwhile.

I enjoyed the article very much.

Carson L. Eddy ’65
South Bend, Indiana


The “Best of UVM” segment in the last Vermont Quarterly issue was a brilliant and innovative idea. I normally only skim the magazine and find I am quite disinterested in most of its content (“Listening to the Buildings” many barns left in Vermont???).

However, the “Best of” article was original, interesting, and witty, and succeeded in providing a hard-to-find link across generations and generations of UVMers from all walks. The accompanying pictures perfectly complemented each entry and helped rustle up many a good memory. Thanks.

Outstanding. Very well done. Best Vermont Quarterly feature I have seen since I became one of those alumni thirteen years ago. Any way to make it a standard segment for each issue?

Michael A. Chmielewski ’86


Commendations on Cancer Story

I worked with Leona Griffin, former editor of Vermont Quarterly, back in the ’80s, and as a co-worker and friend, have seen the great talent and dedication she has contributed through the years to the magazine you are reading today.

I am sure there are more of us who would agree that Lee Griffin should be commended for another of her great stories in the Summer 1999 issue of Vermont Quarterly entitled “Hopes & Fears — Facing Breast Cancer.” In the Fall 1999 issue a letter to the editor stated it is a “stunning story” and that this article should be shared with others. I agree. I will be looking for it in the upcoming Clarkson University alumni magazine. We do get that publication since our son is one of their alumni. I will be sharing the article with my friends and the Women’s Center at the hospital in Binghamton, New York.

Marie Crewdson
Vestal, New York