Class of '24

Catharine Comings Palmer celebrated her 100th birthday on February 26, 1999. She was born in Richford, Vt., and following her marriage to her husband, Robert, in 1922, she lived for twenty-five years in Lancaster, Pa., where she raised her four children. The family moved to Dallas in 1947 for her husband’s job with Armstrong Cork Co. Catharine now lives in Waco, Tex., with her daughter and son-in-law. She remembers a lot about her college years, including being able to vote the first time women were granted that right. She recollected that the dean of women told the women what a privilege and responsibility it was, and she went home to vote. Catharine was a Tri Delt, very proud of her UVM ties. She also is a Mayflower descendant.

Class of '28

We are sad to report the loss of a loyal member of the class of 1928. Katharine Eckley Dopp died on March 11, 1999. She was a faithful attendee of the annual Green and Gold Luncheons at Reunion, having attended nearly every year since she was inducted into the Green and Gold twenty years ago. She represented the class well on the occasion of the class’s 70th reunion in 1998. Muriel Richardson Chatterton moved to Embury Apartments in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in November 1998. She has enjoyed living there because it is “a very comfortable, caring community.” In early December, she underwent major surgery, but wrote that she is recovering well. “I am a fortunate 90-year-old,” said Muriel. “Good Yankee stock, I guess.”