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'40 The world travels of Lucien Paquette and his wife, Loretta, were featured in the “Golden Years” section of the Addison Independent on October 7, 2002. The newspaper clipping was provided by George Hart, Lucien’s classmate in the College of Agriculture. Following retirement from his position as Addison County Extension agent in 1982, Lucien accepted an invitation to organize a northeastern group to see life and agriculture in Western Europe. Subsequent tours found the Paquettes in Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, and other regions of the U.S. The world-travel phase of retirement concluded in the mid-nineties. Now the Paquettes enjoy life locally with visits to and from children and grandchildren. The Paquette Building on the Addison County Fairgrounds is a tribute to Lucien for decades of service as an Extension agent. From his perch on Pearl Street at the edge of the UVM campus, retired Dr. Ed Irwin casts a friendly eye on the students hurrying past. He noted that he is fortunate to live in an area so near the sites of the Revolutionary War conflicts fought on or near Lake Champlain. He was delighted to visit the Saratoga Battlefield, site of the American victory which marked the turning point in the struggle for independence. Except for twice-yearly visits to family in California, Marguerite Hallock Impey can be found in St. Johnsbury. A long-time resident of this Vermont town, she is an active member of its historical society. She and her husband were among the leaders in a successful effort to save the historic St. Johnsbury House (a former hotel) from demolition. This handsome building is now a residence for senior citizens. Six students were given awards from the Class of 1940 Scholarship Fund in 2002. Several recipients have sent letters of appreciation. One student wrote that he plans to continue his education in ecology or wildlife biology. Another chose UVM because of its endless opportunities for experience in the healthcare field. One letter concluded, “Thanks to your kind heart and outreach on behalf of student education,” a gratifying statement of the appreciation expressed by all. Even though we are anonymous, we are cherished. Keep those contributions coming, and please keep up with your friends in 1940 by sending me news for the next issue of Vermont Quarterly.
Class secretary - marytanner@earthlink.net

'41 Our class president, Carol Stetson Spaulding, reported that she is busy helping her husband, Bud Spaulding ’38, co-chair of his 65th class reunion, make preparations for this year’s activities. Both of them are also active members of the Green & Gold Committee, which, to date, has achieved nearly 23 percent of its 2003 goal. Eight other ’41 classmates are also actively working with this important fundraising group. They are urging everybody in our class to contribute to the Green & Gold Fund to make it reach its goal this year. I beg all of you to send me news about your activities. My reporters are all of you who send me email messages or notes to help keep our column interesting.
Class secretary - maywoodak@aol.com

'42 Class secretary - alumni.uvm.edu

'43 Writing a column for the spring issue in January, when Vermont is in the midst of its snowiest winter in years, is not easy. However, let me wish a Happy Spring to you all with hopes that a lot of us will be back for our 60th reunion. Ada Coates wrote that she is still enjoying traveling through the southwest from her home in Las Cruces, N. Mex. She admits that she still has one foot in Vermont. I also heard from our friend, Joe Alpert, who is hanging in there and still practicing medicine two days a week. Joe is planning to come back for Reunion. He sent me an email message with a long, rather satiric poem about reunions. The last two stanzas read: “Repairs have been made to my hearing aid; My pacemaker’s been turned up on high. My wheelchair is oiled, and my teeth have been boiled, And I’ve bought a new wig and glass eye. I’m feeling quite hearty, and I’m ready to party; I’m gonna dance ’til dawn’s early light. I’ll be lots of fun; I just hope that there’s one Other person who can make it that night.” Joe, I hope there will be quite a few of us there.
Class secretary - junevt@sover.net

'44 Class secretary - alumni.uvm.edu

'45 Class secretary - alumni.uvm.edu

'46 I had a nice talk with some of you, but I’m still waiting to hear from more of the class of ’46. Jacqueline Swazey Smith is waiting for her first great-grandchild. Virginia Campbell Downs is enjoying her first granddaughter after three grandsons. Mary Green Lighthall keeps very busy, but, until recently, she was caring for a sister who has since passed away. Nice note from Mary Jane “Spike” Thornton in Medford, Oreg. She is still hoping to make a visit to UVM. (Only a little more than three years, and we will all be here for our 60th.) Spike is conducting theatre tours and has gone back to school at Southern Oregon University. Her three siblings are UVM grads and supporters. However, she sadly reports the death of her sister, Dorothy Thornton Drooz ’43. Hard times for many of us, sympathy to all.
Class secretary - histories@mymailstation.com

'47 Class secretary - rdharper@comm.umass.edu

'48 Following retirement from teaching, Bonnie (Edna) Zohman Holzman traveled to many countries in Europe. She continuously keeps education high on the retirement priority list by taking courses at the United Federation of Teachers and at Brooklyn College. She has many athletic, domestic, and relation-related interests. Bonnie has two children and four grandchildren. While teaching remedial reading in Williamsburg, Mass., Vivian DuBrule Ells acquired a master’s in speech and language disorders. She retired to Largo, Fla. Her travels have taken her to the Garden of the Gods, Montreal, and Quebec City. Currently, she helps disabled citizens, does babysitting, gardens, reads, and cares for her citrus trees. She has five children. Diana Griffis Tiedemann lives in Chambersburg, Pa. She wrote that she will be unable to attend our 55th reunion but says that she hopes all present will have a spectacular reunion. Sarah Andrews Hackett has spent the past 11 years in Haiti, first as a volunteer nurse in the back country, then as an organizer of a family planning clinic, a women’s sewing cooperative, a hand tool purchasing program, and a community library. She has four children, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Sarah is another UVMer who leaves a place better than it was found. Marion Grody Davidson is living in West Hartford, Conn., and working for Davidson Chevrolet, Inc. Free time is spent with her family, which consists of four sons and five grandchildren. After serving as an Army nurse in World War II, Connie Killary Hunziker married Robert Hunziker, M.D. They have two children. Connie currently belongs to the snowbird colony in Leesburg, Fla., where she draws, paints, and reads. Julia Hurley Goelz lives in Portland, Oreg. She wishes classmates a memorable 55th reunion. Following retirement from the Hemfield-area schools, Marie Farrow Forehan traveled far and wide before settling down to the pleasures of church, quilting, genealogical research, and volunteering as a historical society librarian. She has four sons, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Marion Bellville Hazelton retired from the Cedar Rapids Community Schools, where she was a teacher and administrator. She has traveled to Alaska and the western mountain states and has taken many trips back to her hometown, Barre, Vt. She is a heart attack survivor and exalts each day by reading, cooking, gardening, and adoring each of five grandchildren. Myra Weinberg Wiedman lives in Florida and would enjoy hearing from her sorority sisters. Her hobbies include taking courses at a local Florida college, playing golf and bridge, and reading. Mary Ann Smith Marburg sends everyone at the 55th reunion her best wishes. She is unable to attend because of health concerns. After retiring from the University of Virginia and traveling to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Scotland, and Chautauqua, Martha Shaw MacLeod settled in Charlottesville, Va. She has four daughters and five grandchildren. Mary Helen Seagar Tormey has retired from professional nursing and has settled in Fort Montgomery, N.Y. She will not attend our 55th reunion but does wish all who attend a marvelous, nostalgic time. Karl Puechl lives in Hemet, Calif., following retirement from Amoco Foundation, Inc. Presently, he is president of Unitarian Fellowship and is a mediator in the court system. He has four children and three grandchildren. Your pro-tem class secretary completed a Caribbean cruise to St. Maarten, St. Thomas, and Princess Cays. The onslaught of shrimp at every meal was a delight. If you want to eat shrimp on a future cruise of the Golden Princess, you’ll have to bring your own. Sorry! I ate it all. Be sure you sign up for the boat ride on Lake Champlain. Alan Weese married Mary Burton, and they live in Flat Rock, N.C. He has channeled much energy into administrating duplicate bridge.
Class secretary - normangjohnson@earthlink.net

'49 Class secretary - ejoc@webtv.net

'50 Thelma and Bob Perkins wrote about their nuclear family of two daughters and two sons being together for Thanksgiving with them for the first time in more than 25 years. One daughter, coming from Hawaii, was excited to be able to ski with kids at Killington since there was falling snow early this year. Bob and Thelma spent a week in Boston last February attending the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. They lead short hikes and showshoe trips for their group at the Rutland, Vt., senior center, and they still swim three times a week and participate in the Green Mountain Senior Games. Thelma received the Athlete of the Year award at the summer games. Elmer Martin wrote that after a long career in the U.S. Army, real estate, and other activities, he and his wife, Dolly, are living quietly in Virginia. He is giving his library collection to the UVM Department of Military Studies. My husband, Charlie, and I occasionally visit with Sylvia Heininger Holden (’51) and her husband, Clem. We also saw Betty Burnett Carroll (’51) on Christmas Eve, when she was in Williston, Vt., with her daughter, Gwen, and family and her brother, Bill. Charlie and I are spending a few days in early January at Killington skiing with the 70 Plus Ski Club. Michael Wiedman, M.D., has been elected a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in recognition of both geographical and medical work on the Peruvian expedition that discovered the source of the (now) longest river in the world, the Amazon River, in the Andes, at 18,439 feet. His son, Nicholas, is an orchestra conductor in Vienna, son Tim is a sous chef in Tucson, and son Tom, “a vagabond in Berlin.” Michael’s wife, Irene, is an interior designer in Boston, where Michael practices and teaches at the Harvard Medical School. In February, we are again volunteering as host couple for the Heifer International at the North-East Regional Center in Rutland, Mass.
Class secretary - candh@sover.net

'51 Stew Washburn wrote to tell us of the passing of Stanley Hydrisko (in college, spelled Hrydziusko). Stan served as internal auditor, fraud examiner, and chartered bank auditor. He worked for the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston, as auditor for Harvard Trust Co. (now Fleet Bank Boston Corp.) and as vice president of Century Financial Corp. in Randolph. Stan retired in 1994 but continued to work part time. Stan, Stew, and Paul Kilty had a mini-reunion last spring that was reported to be a fun time. Thanks for sending us news, Stew.
Class secretary - jsabens@aol.com

'52 Don Trahan and his wife, Patricia, moved to Cloverdale, Calif., north of San Francisco, in July 2000. He continues to pursue his lifetime interests in stamp collecting, opera, hiking, and swimming. Don gave up his favorite sport, skiing, 10 years ago. Your class secretary saw Bob Green ’53 at Legal Seafood in West Palm with spouses over November holiday. Bob seems to be gathering lots of classmates for his 50th reunion. He also contacted Don Wolf, who will be at his 50th. I also saw Sara Cohen (’50) Sussman and her husband, Joe, while in West Palm. The whole world seems to be in Florida. Sending a special hello to Joan Crane Braverman, who has done such a wonderful job on our class column over the years.
Class secretary - twresbush@aol.com

'53 Joan Hobson Rawlins sent a photo card from Sedona, Ariz., with a photo of herself, husband Rod, and 23 of their descendants, who had joined them to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in 2001. Last April, they visited Maui, and in May, they enjoyed a tour of the UK and Paris. There still is lots of energy in that former UVM cheerleader, whom we remember fondly by the name “Hobby.” Debbie Symes Walsh, another UVM cheerleader, now lives in Southern California with her family. She sent a photo of herself, husband Charlie, their children, and their grandchildren, taken at 8:00 a.m., just before a trip to Disneyland. The smiles on all 20 faces proved that they were ready to celebrate at the “happiest place on earth.” Ann Shaw Savela sent a photo of her six grandchildren; none are quite old enough for UVM yet, but all look like good candidates for future ski teams. Beverly Thorpe Remick reported that 2002 was full of good times with family and friends. Travels had taken her as far as Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Since Bev lives in Shelburne, expect to see her at our 50th reunion. Judy Aronson Belding of Bozeman, Mont., reported on a trip last June to Vermont, where she saw many friends from Stowe High School and UVM. Jean Hawley Navarra, who lives in Los Altos, Calif., was looking forward to an annual lunch she and I share in Palo Alto with two other UVM Thetas from central California, Bunny Fitzsimmons Smith (’54) and Jane Wilson Durie (’52). Spring is upon us with its promise of a great 50th reunion for our class this year. The gala celebration is set for May 29-June 1. Classmates Lynn Davis, Jack Matheson and Frank Passaro have been working on getting the momentum going for our 50th. They sent a list of classmates they are hoping to see at our reunion: Rodney and Roger Belden, Paul Boudreau, Paul Bousquet, Elizabeth Carnes, Howard Christensen, William Crosby, Thomas Davis, Barbara Demarest, John Hartman, Walter Meyer, Sally Smith, Robert Thompson, and your class secretary among others. They are also hoping for a 50th Sigma Nu reunion. Frank wrote, “We don’t have a chapter house to go to anymore, but we still have a lot of great memories of the good times at Beta Sigma.” Sigma Nu brothers Frank hopes to see include Walter Corbin, John Labelle, Henry David Manners, Mark Margiotta, Richard Morrison, Randall Munson, Ralph Norton, and Arthur Rupert. Frank can be reached via email at flpassaro@aol.com. We’ll be back together again to catch up on our collective histories and to enjoy the new 50th Reunion Memory Book being compiled for us. See you there?
Class secretary - nanhiker@aol.com

Fred Hepburn wrote back in October to say, “I retired from civil service in 1990 and since have been something of a world traveler. My most recent trip was to South Africa last March. Other venues over the years include Europe, the U.K., New Zealand, and the Rocky Mountains. To this he added, “I spend the summers in Tinmouth, Vt., and winters in Panama City, Fla. My last years of work were spent in the development of the landing craft air cushion hovercraft for the Navy. Ruth Pestle continues to live in Tallahassee, Fla., during the winter since retiring from teaching at Florida State University. She returns to Waitsfield, Vt., during the summer. Ruth wrote, “Pat Mazuzan Diego, Nancy Hitchcock, Carolyn Stone, Marion Brown Thorpe, and I get together each spring and fall to visit. Marion, at 85, one of our beloved teachers, is the youngest and trimmest of us all…a real role model for us.”
Class secretary - kwendling@aol.com

'55 Help! I have received no news at this writing in the month of January. Where are you all? Since the last issue, I haven’t “bumped into” anyone down here in Pennsylvania who has news either, so this is the shortest message ever for me. Be healthy and stay warm. Await hearing from you soon.
Class secretary - jane.battles@juno.com

'56 Michael Roscoe, our class president, is a very busy forensic orthopedic surgeon involved with work compensation and personal injury defense. He remarried nearly 19 years ago, and he has a son in college. His other children are in graduate school or working. The Roscoes live in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and Michael wonders if anyone remembers the song, “My Logger Lover.” He wrote that he’ll see us at our 50th. Nancy Hoisington Humphreys wrote that our classmate Priscilla Mays passed away in May. She was living in Arizona at the time. Nancy and her husband, Roderick Humphreys ’44, MD ’48, live in Columbia, S.C. Their hobby is growing roses; they have 125 bushes. They exhibit and judge roses, and Nancy is a National Garden Council judge. The Humphreys have three grown children and three grandchildren. Rebecca “Becky” French Lynn wrote that she became a teacher in Connecticut, married, had two children, and became widowed in 1988. She is now joined with John Spain, who grows winter-hardy cactus. She was back for our 40th and reported getting lost in all the new buildings. She had to get campus police to help her find the parking lot where she left her car. Arlene Scher Leiter just retired as executive director of the Rye Community Synagogue in Rye, N.Y. Her son, Mark, married Jill Katz in Las Vegas last September. Eugene Levin sent thanks to all who purchased copies of his novels The Inn at the End of the World and The Devil’s Grandmother. Now he is working on a collection of stories for a book he will title, “You Can Be a Raconteur.” The book will give suggestions on how to tell the stories, and he would welcome contributions via email at levin@york.cuny.edu. Gil Dedrick wrote that he had a great vacation in Quechee, Vt., last July. He enjoyed a visit with his fraternity brother, Ken Savela, owner and manager of Shaw’s General Store in Stowe, Vt. Gill is an egg shell specialist, representing several egg shell-related companies. Lynne Stevens Chase sent greetings from Southern Shores, N.C. Her granddaughter attends the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, and her grandson is at Randolph Macon Academy. Their family lives in Winchester, Va. Her son lives in Scotch Plains, N.J.
Class secretary -jkstick@aol.com

'57 I’m really looking forward to our reunion this spring. It will be good to see all of you. It will be a great time to catch up on news. If you are not coming up to the beautiful UVM campus, please send me your news by wire, phone, or U.S. mail.
Class secretary - suzanwc@aol.com

'58 I hope your travel plans are finalized for our 45th reunion at the end of May. The grapevine tells me that Andy Skroback and Al Fields are hard at work on the new version of our famous skit. Stephen Rozen is planning on attending reunion and discussing his six wonderful grandchildren and reliving the high spots of his college days. Being 18 again and enjoying a steak for $1.50 at The Mill will be hard to duplicate. Looking forward to seeing you all in Burlington. Judith Watson Keene wrote from Coventry, England, that she and her husband, Victor, have commitments that will preclude their attending our reunion this year.  Judith wrote, “Please give my kind regards to one and all and wish everyone a happy reunion. See you in 2008 for our 50th, God willing.”
Class secretary - vtdawson@aol.com

'59 Many ’59 classmates are excited about attending our 45th reunion, which will take place on campus May 29, 30, 31, and June 1. Be sure to mail in cards indicating your plans to attend this colorful cluster reunion, which also will include our friends from the classes of ’57 and ’58. Sigma Nu is pulling together to bring in old alumni, and other fraternities and sororities may wish to do the same. At this point, a number of “Snakes” have shown serious interest, including Norm Wilson, Frank Hammett, Tom Eggert, Dick Loth, and Rube Lamarque. Make your reservations at the Sheraton Hotel by calling 1-800-325-3535. Hope to see you there!
Class secretary - hshaw@sc.rr.com
