2014 Annual Report Relevancy Statements

2014 Annual Report Relevancy Statements

UVM research scientists and outreach specialists ...


  • make data and images for the most valuable collections in the Pringle Herbarium available via the world-wide web.
    Participation in the Global Plants Initiative by the University of Vermont's Pringle Herbarium

  • secure all of the newly inaugurated University of Vermont Natural History Museum's collections in secure cabinetry that makes pest control possible and damage from fire and flood less likely
    CSBR: Natural History: Launching the University of Vermont Natural History Museum Step One: Securing the Collections

  • implement web sharing of the extensive plant-information resources of the Pringle Herbarium in coordination with the development of the Unites States Virtual Herbarium
    Developing the US National Virtual Herbarium (from WDC12)

  • develop nucleotide-based genetic markers for assessing distribution of genetic diversity in Vermont's fiddlehead ferns
    Genetic variation in relation to ecogeographic distribution in the fiddlehead fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris, Onocleaceae)

  • relevancy statement for web display
    Maintain CRIS Data Collection for NIFA State Partners and Grantees and Support Transition to REEport
    DOWNER 5

  • identify bacteria isolated from the rumen of a moose could be used to improve dietary efficiency in domestic livestock.
    Investigating the Rumen Bacteria of the North American Moose (Alces Alces) for the Potential for Improving Efficiency of Feed Digestion in Livestock
    WRIGHT 5

    6 projects

    5a - Fungal and Plant Molecular Biology by Investigator

  • determine the role of the Medicago truncatula heme oxygenase enzyme in oxidative stress.
    Characterization of the role of the Medicago truncatula GIRAFFE gene in oxidative stress.
    HARRIS 5a

  • A: compare and contrast expression patterns of candidate organ fusion genes in petunia (fused petals) and carnation (free petals)
    B: determine the functional role of candidate organ fusion genes in petunia petal fusion
    C: understand patterns of cell growth that lead to petunia petal fusion
    Determining the Genetic Basis of Sympetaly in Petunia and Other Asterids
    PRESTON 5a

  • A: test flowering response to chilling across the temperate cereal grass clade Pooideae
    B: determine if the expression of candidate chilling-response genes is conserved across cereal grasses
    C: compare and contrast the whole transcriptome level response to chilling of different chilling-responsive pooid species
    Evolutionary Genetics of Vernalization Responsiveness in the Temperate Grass Subfamily Pooideae
    PRESTON 5a

  • A: test flowering response to chilling across the temperate cereal grass clade Pooideae
    B: determine if the expression of candidate chilling-response genes is conserved across cereal grasses
    C: compare and contrast the whole transcriptome level response to chilling of different chilling-responsive pooid species
    Evolution of a cold season adaptation in the temperate grass subfamily Pooideae
    PRESTON 5a

    4 projects

    5b - Microbiology and Cell Biology

  • develop anti-fungal biofilm molecules for use with plastic tubing
    Fungal Biofilms and Development of New Anti-Fungal Drugs
    JOHNSON 5b

    1 project

  • identify genes involved in the VTI13 associated trafficking pathway that are important in maintaining growth and cell wall organization in plants.
    Role of endocytic pathways in controlling cell wall structure
    TIERNEY 5c

    1 project