The Student Political Awareness and Responsibility Coalition (SPARC)

The Empire's Bank: The World Bank's Funding of Social and Environmental Disasters

7:30 pm Thursday, February 12, 2004

301 Williams Hall. University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

Speaker Radha D'Souza, Senior Lecurter at University of Waikato, New Zealand.

Radha D'Souza, originally a lawyer, human rights activist and trade unionist from Bombay, India, now based in Aotearoa (New Zealand) as Senior Lecturer, University of Waikato will speak on The Empire's Bank: The World Bank's Funding of Social and Environmental Disasters. D'Souza has an extensive background in trade, water and other global justice issues. She participated in the World Social Forum and the Mumbai Resistance in Mumbai (Bombay), India, held this January.

For more information please contact the Global Justice Ecology Project, 802-482-2689; email: globalecology (at)

Co-sponsors include SPARC (Student Political Awareness and Responsibility Coalition), Students for Peace and Global Justice and the Peace and Justice Center.

sparc at uvm dot edu

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