
An inspiring documentary about the Cascadia Free State Road Blockade and the struggle to save the Warner Creek timber sale from fire salvage logging.

Director, Organizer, and Writer Tim Ream To Speak During Burlington/Quebec City Activist Convergence.

Room 235, Marsh Life Science Building, University of Vermont
April 9, 2001 at 7 PM

Donations requested -- $5-$15 sliding scale.
Proceeds to benefit the Native Forest Network's campaign to End Commercial Logging On Public Lands.

Tim Ream held a major organizing role in the struggle to defend the Warner Creek timber sale in Oregon's Cascade Mountains from a 9,000 acre fire salvage timber sale made possible by our US Forest Service. In addition to being an organizer, Tim is a filmmaker and producer. "Pickaxe," is his documentary about the Cascadia Free State and the fight to save Warner Creek from the timber industry.

During the months of action, Tim went on a 75 day hunger strike in front of a Forest Service office to protest this timber sale. High in the Cascades above him community members and activists from around the country developed an extremely sophisticated forest road blockade that came to be known as the Cascadia Free State. Cascadia was up and running for over a year before it was raided by police and the Forest Service.

Tim will give an inspiring talk about how a small community of non-compromising ecodefenders can safeguard our National Forests when lobbying elected officials falls short. In speaking about the defense of our endangered National Forests, Tim ties in social justice struggles and the current anti-globalization movement -- including the current resistance against the Free Trade of The Americas in Quebec City. Come on out for a night of inspiring conversation and a great film!


Co-Sponsored By SPARC, Native Forest Network, and the Vermont Mobilization For Global Justice