Crimes of the State: Past and Present

7pm April 8, 2002.
235 March Life Sciences, University of Vermont

[Photograph of Organizer Joe Balzer]

This is the twelfth year Joe Balzer has organized panels discussing the criminal behavior of the US Goverment within agencies like the CIA, the NSA, the FBI and state and local law enforcement. The panel tours schools throughout New England, including Boston University, University of Maine and the University of Vermont. This is the second year the event occurred at the University of Vermont. This years event was sponsored by SPARC, the International Socialist Organization (ISO), Toward Freedom Green Valley Media, and the Vermont Mobilization for Global Justice (VMOB).

[Photograph of Professor Bud Schultz] [Photograph of Professor Bud Schultz]

Bud Schultz, author of "The Price of Dissent: Testimonies to Political Repression in America". Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Trinity College. Schultz will discuss his new book. "The Price of Dissent" is a vivid oral history that presents the amazing testimony of people who have experienced repression and persecution firsthand. Schultz has extensive knowledge of some of the most important struggles in American history including the labor movement, Black freedom and the antiwar movement.

[Photograph of Former FBI Agent William Turner] [Photograph of Former FBI Agent William Turner]

William Turner, author of "Rearview Mirror: Looking Back on the FBI, the CIA an Other Tails", "Hoover's FBI", and others. Former FBI Special Agent Turner will expose hidden truths from an inside and personal perspective on the FBI that reveals a complex web of cover-ups and deception, from the Hoover years to the murder of Robert Kennedy. His book covers the Hoover years through the Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose, the JFK assassination and the murder of Robert Kennedy and more. Turner is able to expose hidden truths from an inside perspective that reveals a complex web of cover-ups and deception.

[Photograph of Kit Cage of NCARL and NCPPF] [Photograph of Kit Cage of NCARL and NCPPF]

Kit Gage is an activist and organizer from Washington, DC. She is National Coordinator for the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom (NCPPF) since 1997, and Director of the First Amendment Foundation and the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation (NCARL) since April 2001. Ms. Gage discusses how the Patriot Act undermines the Constitution, and givees the history of this type of legislation.

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