Dr. Helen Caldicott to Speak in Burlington

The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex

Dr. Helen Caldicott, long-time, leading anti-nuclear activist, professor, and author of the new book The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush’s Military-Industrial Complex (The New Press: Publication Date: April 1, 2002; $16.95 Paperback), will be giving a lecture in Ira Allen Chapel at the University of Vermont in Burlington on Thursday, April 25th at 7:00 P.M. Acoustic guitarist Jim Page will be opening the event, and there will be a $4 suggested donation at the door.

Dr. Caldicott’s lecture will be addressing the critical issues she deals with in her new book, like the influence on the administration from arms manufacturers that exploited Americans fear of terrorism to fuel increased government spending on their products, the second Manhattan Project currently underway at nuclear weapons labs, the new Nuclear Posture Review, depleted uranium weapons used in Iraq, Kosovo, and Afghanistan, and the people behind the Bush administration. Helen is President of Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI).

Project Laundry List is the non-profit organization that is bringing Dr. Caldicott to Burlington. Through art, advocacy, and education Project Laundry List aims to demonstrate that personal choices can make a difference for the Earth and its people. Project Laundry List’s focus is on North America’s over-dependence on nuclear power and other unsustainable forms of energy. To find out more about PLL visit their website at www.laundrylist.org.