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Direct, physically motivated derivation of the contagion condition for spreading processes on generalized random networks

P. S. Dodds, K. D. Harris, and J. L. Payne

Physical Review E, 83, 056122, 2011

Times cited: 0


For a broad range single-seed contagion processes acting on generalized random networks, we derive a unifying analytic expression for the possibility of global spreading events in a straightforward, physically intuitive fashion. Our reasoning lays bare a direct mechanical understanding of an archetypal spreading phenomena that is not evident in circuitous extant mathematical approaches.
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  author = 	 {Dodds, Peter Sheridan and Harris, Kameron D. and Payne, Joshua L.},
  title = 	 {Direct, phyiscally motivated derivation of the contagion condition for spreading processes on generalized random networks},
  journal =      {Phys. Rev. E},
  key = 	 {contagion},
  year = 	 {2011},
  volume =       {83},
  pages  =       {056122},


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