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The Lexicocalorimeter: Gauging public health through caloric input and output on social media

S. E. Alajajian, J. R. Williams, A. J. Reagan, S. C. Alajajian, M. R. Frank, L. Mitchell, J. Lahne, C. M. Danforth, and P. S. Dodds

PLoS ONE, 12, e0168893, 2017

Times cited: 41

Logline: The paper proposes and implements a "Lexicocalorimeter": An online, real-time, tunable instrument for assessing public health based on food- and activity-related phrases expressed in social media. Using a geotagged Twitter database, patterns of caloric input, output, and balance are explored for the contiguous US, showing how variations in the measure behave with changes in phrase usage. Lexicocalorimetric scores are correlated with a diverse set of population-scale measures directly linking health, well-being, and demographics to the caloric content of online expression, offering a new way to describe and understand the dynamics of myriad social conditions.


We propose and develop a Lexicocalorimeter: an online, interactive instrument for measuring the "caloric content" of social media and other large-scale texts. We do so by constructing extensive yet improvable tables of food and activity related phrases, and respectively assigning them with sourced estimates of caloric intake and expenditure. We show that for Twitter, our naive measures of "caloric input", "caloric output", and the ratio of these measures—"caloric balance"—are all strong correlates with health and well-being demographics for the contiguous United States. Our caloric balance measure outperforms both its constituent quantities; is tunable to specific demographic measures such as diabetes rates; provides a real-time signal reflecting a population's health; and has the potential to be used alongside traditional survey data in the development of public policy and collective self-awareness. Because our Lexicocalorimeter is a linear superposition of principled phrase scores, we also show we can move beyond correlations to explore what people talk about in collective detail, and assist in the understanding and explanation of how population-scale conditions vary, a capacity unavailable to black-box type methods.
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Extra: The Lexicocalorimeter instrument is part of our Panometer and lives here: http://panometer.org/instruments/lexicocalorimeter/
Follow the Lexicocalorimeter on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexicocalorimtr.


  author = 	 {Alajajian, S. E. and Williams, J. R. and Reagan, A. J. and Alajajian, S. C. and Frank, M. R. and Mitchell, L. and Lahne, J. and Danforth, C. M. and Dodds, P. S.},
  title = 	 {The {L}exicocalorimeter: {G}auging public health through caloric input and output on social media},
  year = 	 {2017},
  journal = 	 {PLoS ONE},
  key = 	 {health,public health,food exercise,lexical meters},
  volume = 	 {12},
  pages = 	 {e0168893},
  note = 	 {arXiv version available at \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.05098}{https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.05098}},


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