The Faculty / staff / student profile enables webmasters to easily create profiles for the people in their units that feature research, contact info, education, etc. Web masters need only fill out fields and end up with attractively designed profile pages. The Faculty/staff/student profile list then takes these profiles and makes a contact table. Many will choose to use this table as their Contact Us page. If you want your courses page to show up in your main menu, you will follow the intructions for adding menu settings.


Directly under the “My Workbench” button, you’ll see the “Add content” button. Select "Faculty / staff/ student profile". You will give the page a name, select a group it belongs to, add any intro copy and then begin typing the two-four letter course abbreviation in the field called "Subject to Display". This field will autocomplete for you if you only know the first letter or two (for catalogue verification of code).

Faculty / staff / student profile

Choose a profile layout

There are two layout choices for these pages and you will adjust which one you want in the "customize display" vertical tab:

1. One column basic -- Ideal for profiles that are light on content; possibly for name, title, image and contact info only

1 column profile -image

2. Two column detailed -- Ideal for profiles that are more detailed; fields for titles, image, contact info, education, areas of expertise, etc.

2 column profile -image