There are many types of pages you can make in Drupal--and we'll be adding to the choices all the time. The most basic page is the "Basic interior page 1"--documented below and more thorougly in our "Build a Basic Interior Page" video.


Building the basic interior pages (Basic interior page 1)

This is the most basic page and will be the content type selected for most interior pages on your website.

Directly under the “My Workbench” button, you’ll see the “Add content” button. Select "Basic Interior Page 1". You will give the page a name and  select a group it belongs to. Within this content type, you’ll be able to choose between several layouts in the “customize display” left hand tab where you will also be able to see visuals of each template. You can also view and plan for the various templates in this documentation.

custom display option - image



The most guidance while in the tool working will be seen beneath each field -- denoted by the blue "TIP" graphic. Web masters should follow these tips as much as possible as you work your way through the basic page templates -- they guide you through which field appears in which template.

tech tip - image

Building specialized pages

We have developed a number of ways to feature more specialized content:

UVM Major template

Academic units will use these to feature their majors.

Research overview page templates

Colleges (and maybe some departments) will use these templates for featuring unit research interests.
Learn how to build a research page.

Faculty/staff/student profile pages

These templates provides a way for web masters to fill out fields and end up with attractively designed profile pages.
Learn how to build a profile page.

Faculty/staff/student profile list

Generate a list of all the profiles by type you entered (above). This may be used as a department "Contact Us" list/page.
Learn how to build a profile list page.

Course pages

Learn how to build a course page.

Catalogue content pages

Build pages that pull special programmatic content from the catalogue.
Learn how to build a catalogue page.

Exchange calendar pages

Build pages that pull a list of events from an Exchange calendar.
Learn how to build an Exchange calendar page.