Production Toolshed: Forages

Fact Sheets

2011 Late Season Forage Plantings. With 2011 having had the wettest spring on record, many fields still remain unplanted in early June. While prime time to plant corn has passed, there are still options available to secure high quality forage for the winter months. This fact sheet briefly reviews options for planting corn, warm season grasses, small grains, and hay crops.

Managing Flood-Damaged Crops. This factsheet discusses precautions for handling and feeding forage crops that have been subject to flooding. It includes considerations for corn silage, hay, and grazing.

Identification Guide for Forage Legumes Grown in the Northeast. (This is a large pdf fact sheet that may take a little time to download.)

Identification Guide for Forage Grasses Grown in the Northeast. (This is a large pdf fact sheet that may take a little time to download.)


Choosing Forage Crops for Fall Seeding Webinar (July 2010).

Late summer is a good time to consider a new seeding for pastures or haycrops, provided there is adequate soil moisture. Sid Bosworth, University of Vermont Extension agronomist, reviews the many species and mixture options for a new seeding, discuss site preparation and post seeding management. Sid has taught courses in forage crops, turf management and weed ecology and has conducted applied research in the areas of alfalfa management, nutrient and manure management of cool season grasses and corn for silage, weed control, pasture management, forage quality and organic wheat production. His extension programs focus on crop and pasture management and utilization, integrated crop management and grasses for biomass energy. He developed and maintains the Vermont Crops and Soils Homepage ( He has a Ph.D. in crop physiology from the University of Kentucky and a M.S. in agronomy and B.S. in animal science from Auburn University.

*NEW* Getting Started Growing Small Grains in New England (March 2014)

The demand for local grains is increasing and innovative farmers around New England have been working with UVM Extension to experiment with breed selection and best practices for growing grains for human consumption in our changing climate. Join Dr. Heather Darby, Agronomic and Soils Specialist for the University of Vermont Extension and lead researcher on small grain production systems in Vermont to learn about getting started growing grains, including: recommended species, production strategies, mechanization and infrastructure options for production and post-harvest handling and common challenges faced by both new and experienced growers alike.


Northeast SARE Season Extension Topic Room. Find the most up-to-date information on Season Extension developed by the Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education program. These online "Topic Rooms" draw from 25 years of SARE-supported research, carefully compiling research results, guides and resources to make them accessible and easy to navigate.

Vermont Crop and Soils Website This website provides information about field and forage crop production and utilization in Vermont and beyond. Topics include hay and hayledge crops, pasture and grazing crops, corn silage and grain, oilseed crops, small grains, biomass energy, pest management in forage crops, soil nutrients and manure, and more.