Nursing white coat ceremony
New Study Offers Hope for More Effective Treatment of Leukemia
“The major outcome of this story is that a signature emerged from looking at the level of activated proteins compared to other proteins that’s very predictive of how a patient will respond to therapy,” says Seth Frietze, assistant professor in medical laboratory and radiation sciences. "If we could find drugs to target that activation that could be an incredibly effective way to treat Leukemia.”
Message from the Dean
The College of Nursing and Health Sciences endeavors to prepare health care professionals who provide interprofessional, compassionate and family-centered services to patients and clients. This spring, our commitment was particularly evident through the service our college provided in various capacities in the local community. Whether sharing knowledge gathered through research or skills gained through practice, our faculty, students and staff made a difference for the better in other peoples' lives. Read More »
Laura Lewis
Yang Bai examines the NFL PLAY 60 program designed to increase the wellness of young fans, including the 33 million children who are obese or overweight. Read More »
Nancy Gell's study addresses a need among America's 65-and-older set. Read More »
UVM department news
Bethany Kelly '17 has helped young adults train for the Special Olympics, worked with psychiatry patients at the UVM Medical Center and taught strengthening exercises to individuals with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Read More »
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