Anna Griem

Political Science Major Begins British House of Commons Internship

Anna Luise Griem, a class of 2011 Political Science student, will spend the 2009/2010 Parliamentary year in London interning at the British House of Commons for the Honorable Christine Russell, Labour MP for the City of Chester. Starting October 1st, Anna will keep in touch with the College of Arts and Sciences, sending updates regarding her experiences working in a foreign government that will be chronicled in the CAS e-NEWS.

Anna is very excited to start the internship and has been told that her duties will include administrative activities such as responding to constituency mail and keeping Mrs. Russell’s schedule.

Anna especially hopes that, during her ten-month residency in London, she will catch a glimpse of the notorious exchanges between the opposition parties at the House of Commons, keep track of the Question Time sessions (an institution that she thinks the US should adopt), and that she will gain insight into how politics and government are run in another country.