UVM's residence halls

We have residential halls on all the four different campuses, and they're all very different from one another, they have their own little personality. And so, we have no specified res. hall on campus for a certain year, it's all integrated.

Each res. hall has a main lobby area, which students who live in the complex will have access to all the time with their student swipe ID. Typically the main lobby stays open 'til about 10 o'clock at night during the week, and then it's closed for 24 hours on the weekend. The actual hallways where students live, the entrance into those hallways are always locked, 24 hours a day. So, students just swipe in with their student ID card.

Each res. hall has their own main desk where students can take out board games, vacuums, cleaning equipment, DVDs. That's where students would receive packages. So, if your parents send you cookies, that's where you're going to go, and you'll get this e-mail being like, "You got a package!" And it's really exciting, you run down and get your package.

And then you also get your own mailbox. There's a study lounge for all students. Each res. hall also has their own game room and conference room, where there'll be different meetings. They have snack bars, they have a kitchen, either for the whole complex or every other floor. Like I said, it's very different for each res. hall on campus. The students also get 50 swipes for washing and drying per semester in the laundry room in each res. hall, which is more than you will ever need for laundry. You can also reserve washers and dryers online. That way you don't have to wait for them; or if there's a busy time before students go home for winter break or spring break, you can reserve a washer and know that you're going to get some clean clothes.

Also, when you live on campus you will be assigned a resident advisor. They do a lot of community-building activities with you and your hallmates, like a potluck dinner, or you might have an intramural sports team together. They just help you transition from being away from home. If you have any issues with the roommate, they'll help you through that. So, they're just always there for you, and they're a great resource.