Rowell Building's nursing facilities and nearby Dana Medical Library

Connecting the Fletcher Allen Health Care center to Rowell Building--which is home to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences--the connecting building is the Dana Medical Library. That is one of my favorite places on campus to study. Sometimes it's a little intimidating, though, because there are all these doctors sitting there, and, like, they are really intense. But I study there anyways. Next to that is Rowell, which, again, is home to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Majors in that include nursing, obviously, they have radiation therapy medical laboratory sciences, athletic training, sports nutrition, and they have a physical therapy graduate program, as well. They just renovated one of the floors to be a mock hospital room for the nursing students to use. They also have these dolls--life-size dolls--called simulation dolls. For example, one gives birth, which is pretty crazy. They also might have a heart palpation or a seizure, and might need an IV... So, it's great practice for the nursing students, because if they mess up it's okay, you just press the restart button. So, it's really great practice.