JUNE 2019




In This Issue:






- Note from SC President Stephen Lunna
- SC Professional Development Fund
- Nursing Parent Survey
- Champlain Valley Fair discounts
- Smuggler's Notch Daycation discounts
- Live on the Lawn
- Golf, Lake Monsters, Call for Artists
- Wellness Workshops & two studies
- Congrats to Corporate Cuppers


Next Meeting






The next Staff Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 6th from 12:05-1:00pm in Waterman Memorial Lounge.

All are welcome to attend, and every meeting includes a Public Comment period for staff to bring up any concerns.






Hello UVM Staff!


It’s hard to believe I’ve nearly completed one year as your Staff Council president - as they say, time flies when you’re having fun! I think all will agree that this past year has had a very common theme – Change. We processed the news that President Sullivan will step down as UVM president, and we participated in several on campus events to say thank you to the President and Mrs. Sullivan. We do truly wish them both all the very best in their next adventure.

Shortly after that announcement, we joined in the process of identifying and selecting our next president. I feel strongly that Dr. Garimella is an excellent choice and I’m sure we’ll experience more change as he implements his strategic plans. We were also involved with the process of selecting the interim Provost to replace David Rosowsky. Once again, staff collaborated with faculty & students to interview and select an excellent choice in Dean Patty Prelock. We are extremely fortunate to have such a wealth of talent here at UVM.

As the year ends, we will also be saying good-bye to Meryl St. John, the Staff Council Office Administrator. This job would have been harder than it is without Meryl’s continued support and guidance.

Two things stand out for me from this past year:

1) During our in-person interview with then-candidate Dr. Garimella, he stated he was surprised at the level of involvement staff had with the process of selecting the new president, and that in his experience, most universities don’t include staff in the selection process.

2). The accreditors from the New England Commission on Higher Education particularly noted the high levels of professionalism and care in the staff body.

These are two very impressive compliments and very richly deserved. Staff at UVM are among some of the best people I’ve worked with. Keep up the good work and keep up your commitment to UVM.

All the best,

Stephen Lunna











The Fund was created through the cooperation of the President’s Office and Staff Council’s Personal and Professional Development Committee in order to increase funding opportunities for all full and part-time non-represented UVM staff members seeking to attend training, conferences, or participate in other professional development opportunities. Up to $500 will be offered to each awardee through their department, and applications will be open on a quarterly basis. Applications for this first quarter will close on July 31st, with decisions being made by August 31st.

More information and applications are available at our website (link) or through the direct links below.

- Information and Application (PDF)
- Flyer (PDF)





A Staff Council subcommittee is working to improve the experience of parents on campus who are breastfeeding or pumping breastmilk while at work. We would like to hear from current, past, and expecting parents about whether they have/had adequate support and facilities for expressing breastmilk at work.

Is the room where you pump breastmilk adequate? Is it close to where you work? Is it available when you need it? Do you have other feedback?

Please email Mindy at Mindy.Kear@uvm.edu and encourage other parents to send their feedback as well.









UVM Staff, Faculty, Retirees and Foundation employees can now reserve discounted tickets to the Champlain Valley Fair. Big savings are available for single day tickets, multiple day passes, and midway ride specials. Tickets must be reserved and paid for by Wednesday July 10th.

- Info & Registration (link)
- Flyer (PDF)






If we can reach a minimum of 25 ticket reservations, Staff Council can offer tickets to Smuggler's Notch Staycation for the following prices:

Adults: $35
Children ages 3-17 and seniors 65+: $20

Tickets must be reserved by June 11th.

- Reserve tickets (link)
- Flyer (PDF)






Live on the Lawn, UVM’s free, once a month, lunch-time concert series celebrating summer kicks off this year with Live on the Lawn: Loving Day Edition, as we celebrate Loving Day, an annual celebration that acknowledges the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on Loving v. Virginia, which legalized interracial marriage.

What: Renowned artist Myra Flynn will perform.
Where: The Davis Center Outdoor Stage (rain location: Brennan’s Pub)
When: June 12, 2019 @ 12:00 PM
More information here (link).







The annual Lake Monsters UVM Night will be Sunday July 7th at 5:05pm! Tickets include grandstand seating, cheeseburger, hot dog, chips, cookie, and soft drink and must be reserved and paid for by June 27th.

UVM & Foundation - $14
Seniors & Retirees = $10
Kids - $8

- Reserve tickets (link)

- Flyer (PDF)


This year's golf outing will take place on Friday, August 9th at the West Bolton Golf Club. Registration and payment required by August 2nd.

UVM Affiliate Rate: $45
Non-UVM Guest Rate: $50

- Info/Registration (link)
- Flyer (PDF)


The 9th Annual Staff Art Exhibit will be displayed in the Dudley H. Davis Student Center's fireplace lounge gallery during Staff Appreciation Week (September 9–13, 2019), with a reception on Tuesday, September 10th. Applications are due by Friday, August 2nd.

- Info/Application (link)






Goal-Setting Workshops Identify health-related goals, navigate obstacles and challenges, and then have follow-up health coaching sessions. These services are free to all employees, but have limited spaces available, so sign up today.

UVM Employee Wellness
(802) 656-3150

- Sign Up (link)

- Flyer (PDF)



Olive Oil Study
Seeking healthy young women aged 18-40 with no prior pregnancies and not using systemic hormonal contraception (birth control pills), for a research study on whether consuming olive oil over several weeks improves the function of the heart and blood vessels. Compensation of $80 is provided.

Phone: (802) 656-5711
Text: (802) 448-4249
lorinda.roberts@ uvmhealth.org



Planning a Pregnancy? Seeking non-pregnant healthy women ages 18-45 who are planning a pregnancy in 2019, for a research study that will help to increase understanding of how changes in pregnancy hormones impact the normal blood clotting process. Compensation of $75 for two study visits.

Phone: (802) 656-5711
Text: (802) 448-4249
lorinda.roberts@ uvmhealth.org.









Remember to visit our website for a list of staff discounts,
including ski passes, car rentals, and so much more!

Staff Council - serving as a voice and advocate
for all staff at UVM since 1971

staff.council@uvm.edu | (802) 656-4493
85 S. Prospect Street | 313 Waterman Building | Burlington, VT 05405
Hours: M-F 9:00am - 1:30pm; afternoons by appointment