Perennials this Month - June 1996

Dr. Leonard P. Perry, Extension Associate Professor, University of Vermont

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Plant of the Month: Monarda didyma 'Marshall's Delight'

height x width: 30-36" x 24-30"

flowers: rich pink, mid to late summer

hardiness: USDA zones 3-9

interest: *richer pink than 'Croftway Pink', "tighter" flower heads
*introduction from Morden Expmt Stn, Manitoba
*supposedly powdery mildew resistant, but in our studies it is better than most but still gets some

More new or proven perennials!

*Monarda didyma 'Violet Queen'-- best mildew resistance (none to little) of beebalms in our studies (related to purple gene?); deep purple similar to 'Blue Stocking' and 'Prairie Night'; similar height and spread to other cultivars.

*Pulmonaria 'Spilled Milk'-- compact cultivar with mainly white leaves, dark green flecked; tight cluster of pink flowers late spring to early summer; 9-12" x 12-15".

*Hemerocallis 'June Bug'-- golden yellow miniature with burgundy eyezone, mid June to mid July; 24" x 24".

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