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Take-Home Exams

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World Literature 118
Tolstoy: Works Great and Small


Course Description


A discussion course, which examines a number of Lev Tolstoy’s shorter works as well as his novel Resurrection.  Shorter works include Kreutzer Sonata, Ward #6, Master and Man, Family Happiness, The Cossacks, Father Sergius. The course focuses upon literary trends, archetypes and the milieu within which the author worked. There are two take-home exams and a take-home final.  Students who are active in class discussionand produce "A's" on both take-home exams may, with the agreement of the instructor, substitute the take-home final for an oral exam.  (This oral final is a one-to-one discussion of the entire course  in my office.  Unlike MA and Ph.D. orals, it is not designed to intimidate.)


Course Grading

Take-home hour exams - at least 2 during the semester     50%
Class preparedness and participation                                  20%
Take home or oral final exam (your choice)                       30%

Explanation - Grade for classroom preparedness and performance

This is a discussion course. In order for the course to be successful and interesting, it is necessary that you are present, that you are prepared (having read the assigned reading), and that you are willing and able to discuss the literature. A performance grade based on these criteria will be assigned to each student.