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Course Description

Take-Home Exams

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World Literature 118
Tolstoy: Late Works, Great and Small


First week
Jan. 15
Introduction to course

Second week
Jan. 22
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read Master and Man [pp.541-596 (1895)]
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read Father Sergius [pp. 395-444  (1890-98)].
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, pleasae read A Spark Neglected Burns the House [pp. 1-19 (1885)].

Third week
Jan.. 29
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read The Death of Ivan Ilych [pp. 109-172 (1886)
Fourth week
Feb 5

Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read "Four Late Stories" - After the Ball (1903),
The Forged Coupon (
1904), pp. 859 ff.  
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read Alyosha Gorshok
1905), What For? (1906) -  to p. -967.

First take-home exam due.  You may send it as an MS WORD file via Internet or bring it to class.
Fifth week
Feb. 12
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read Kreutzer Sonata

Sixth week
Please read, Resurrection, Part I, pp. 19-187 (up to chpt. 41).
We shall continue discussion of Kreutzer Sonata in class.

Seventh week
Feb.  26
Please read Resurrection, Part II, pp. 187-290 (up to Pt. II, chpt. 7).

Eighth week

March  4
Towm Meeting Day - No Class
Please read, Resurrection, Part II, pp. 290-374 (up to chpt. 25).

Ninth week
March. 11 -
  Spring Break - No class!

Tenth week
March. 18
Please read, Resurrection, Part III, pp. 375-431 (up to chpt 37, Part III).

Eleventh week

March 25

Please read Resurrection, Part III, pp. 431-567.

Twelfth week

April 1

Second take-home exam due.  You may also send it as an MS WORD file via Internet.
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read "Stories Given to Aid the Pursecuted Jews"
- Esarhaddon, King of Adsyria (1903), Work, Death and Sickness (1903). Three Questions (1903) - pp. 741-756. 
Also read
Fedor Kuzmich (1905), pp. 757-780
From Leo Tolstoy, Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read A Talk Among Leisured People (1893), pp. 467-474 and Walk in the
Light While there is Light (
1893), pp. 475-530).

Thirteenth week
April 8
From Tolstoy's Confession, please read to  p. 33 (up to chpt. V).  The short introduction by E. J. Simmons is worthwhile. 
The very nature of this literature is such that more than one reading of it will be most helpful. 
From Leo Tolstoy, From
Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2
, please read Francoise (1982), pp. 457-466. 

Fourteenth week
April 15
From Tolstoy's Confession, please read to p. 49 (up to chpt. VII.
From Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read The Coffe House of Surat (1893), pp. 531-540 and Too Dear (1897),
pp. 597-604.
From Tolstoy's Confession, please read to p. 64 (up to chpt. X).   From Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read "Stories
Written to Pictures, " Evil Allures, but Good  Endures, Little Girls Wiser than Men, Ilyas (all 1885),  pp. 97-108

Fifteenth week

April 22
From Tolstoy's Confession, please read to p. 93.  This completes your reading of the work.
Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read
Three Hermits, The Imp and the Crust (both 1886), pp. 173-188.

From Collected Shorter Fiction, vol 2, please read A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg, The Godson (both 1886). pp. 209-234.

Sixteenth week (15 week term + week of Spring Break)

April 29
Summing up.  Your discussion!

The final exam must be handed in on paper or Emailed as an MS WORD attachment
Extensions beyond this point are NOT possible.