e-mail   kenneth.nalibow
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Prof. Nalibow
421 Waterman
Office hrs. WF 10:15-11:15; Th 12:15-1:15 or by app't.
PHONE: 6-1474; H: 864 4881
E-mail - kenneth.nalibow@uvm.edu

Russian 202, Introduction to20th Century Russian Literature
Русский 202
, Введение в русскую литературу 20ого века

Курсовой план

Required Work:

Курс включает большинство следующих шедевров:

Setting up Cyrillic on your computer
The following web site contains down loadable fonts and keyboard drivers.  There are TWO standard Russian keyboards.  I recommend neither, but rather the so-called  "phonetic" or "homophonic" keyboard.  In this layout, most Russian letters are found where their English equivalents would be.  This speeds typing.
