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Course Description
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Russian 141, Reading Comprehension

Русский язык 141 - Понимание письменной речи
Homework Assignments / Домашняя работа

First week  (Sept. 2 - 6)
Labor Day - no class.
Course introduction
Wednesday - Pp. 1-6 in News from Russia.  Start learning the vocabulary; we shall commence using it in class..  We will do the exercises included in the assignment.

Friday - Pp. 7-13 in News from Russia.   Do the several exercises.  Read ALL of the Russian material.  We shall read and discuss the popular
              news source material.  Be sure you are acquiring the vocabulary, including the abbreviations, which are so common to Russian speech.

Second week  (Sept. 8 - 12)
Monday -  Finish assignment to p. 13.

Wednesday - Pp. 14-17 in News from Russia.   Do the several exercises.  Read ALL of the Russian material.  We shall read and discuss the popular
              news source material.  Be sure you are acquiring the vocabulary.

Friday - Page 14, #B and page 15, #7.  Submit a written presentation of a favorite publication using the formats in these two exercises.  In class
              we shall go over the material on pp. 18-23.  Get ready to prepare #2 / B on page 23 for oral presentation on Monday.

Third week  (Sept. 15 - 19)
Monday -   In class work on oral presntation for Wednesday.
Wednesday  - - Orally present #2 / B,  on page 23.  N.B.  All oral class presentations MUST be presented the day they are due.
Friday - Pp. 25-29.  We shall go over the vocabulary.  Please begin acquiring it!  Do through exerise 5.

Fourth week   (Sept. 22 - 26)
Monday  - Pp. 29-32.   Do all exerecises.
-  Pp. 33- middle of 36.   Do all exerecises.
Friday  -  Pp. 36-38.   There are Internet activities.  Please look up the information for class.  Do all exerecises.

Fifth week
(Sept. 29 - October 3)
MondayOrally present information to be included in the Monday, October 6,  written assiggnment.
Pp. 39-42.
- Aumni Donor Luncheon - NBO CLASS

Sixth week  (Oct. 6 - 10)
Monday - Writing assignment.  Using  Exercise 8A on pagew 40, write about the current politicl campaigner of your choice here in the State of Vermont.
Wednesday -   Pp. 39-42 continued.
Friday -
Pp. 43-45

Seventh week   (Oct. 13 - 17)
Monday - Class absences caused class cancellation.
Wednesday - Individually orally present the project described for pairs or triplets in 13A on p. 45.
Write out and eletronically send the project described for pairs or triplets in 13A on p. 45 (which ytou did orally for Monday).  Class discussion - "government."
Friday - Class discussion - "government."

Eighth week  (Oct. 20 - 24)
Monday -     Pp. 46-50.   We shall read alound and discuss this material.
Wednesday - Pp. 46-50.   We shall read alound and discuss this material.
Friday  -  Pp. 46-50.   We shall read alound and discuss this material.

Ninth week   (Oct. 27 - 31)
Monday - Pp. 51-52.   Please begin learning the new vocabulary.
Wednesday - Pp. 53-54.
Friday -
Pp. 54-57.
Tenth week  (November. 3 - 7)
Monday - Pp. 58-60 (finish #9).
Wednesday  -   Pp. 60 (bottom)-63.  Eletronically forward Exercise #8 (p. 59) as graded work.
Friday - P. 60-62 (down to class activities).  Eletronically forward Exercise #10 (p. 60) as graded work.

Eleventh week   (Nov. 10 - 14)
Monday - Bottom of p. 62 - p. 64.  Eletronically forward Exercise #2 (p. 63) as graded work.
Wednesday - From #2,  p. 63 - bottom of p. 66.
Friday - From #3,  p. 63 - #4 p. 65.

Twelfth week   (Nov. 17 - 21)
Monday - P. 65- bottom of p. 66.
Wednesday - Pp. 78-79.   Begin learning new vocabulary.
Friday - Pp. 80-81.

Thirteenth week   (November 24 - 28)
Monday - Friday
  Thanksgiving Recess- No class

Fourteenth week    (Dec. 1 - 5)
Monday - Pp. 82-85 (to #6). Eletronically submit an essay on the thene: «Положение политики в Америке после ноябрских выборов.»  ("The State of American Politics Following the November Elections."
WednesdayPp. 86-89.
Friday -
Pp. 89 (bottom) to 91 (middle) - DECIMALS.

Fifteenth week   (December 8 - 10)
Monday - P. 94 - Reading Text.  (This item will find itself on the final exam!)
Wednesday - Brunch in Seminar Room - Wild, smoked salmon, bagels, cream cheese, herring, fresh brewed Nalibow coffee.

Final Examination -  Friday Dec, 12, 2008, 9 am (rather than the 8am posting),  WATERM 423.
Your laptop computer will be required for the exam.  You will type the exam in the classroom and send it
via email.  If you do not own a laptop, one of you may use my MAC G-4 and one may work on my office desktop computer.