Week 12,  April 10-14, 2017
CDAE 195 Propaganda, Media Ownership, and Citizen Responsibility
CRN 14637, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Morrill Room 10

Check-In: Attendance, Questions?


Wild Child

CASE STUDY:  United States of Secrets PBS Frontline, Finish.  Coming up: REFLECTION PAPER: Write a two to four page reflection paper on United States of Secrets.  Include:
-Description of the content of the video.
-Describe the conflict between the Media and the Executive Branch (President) of the US Government.
-How does this relate to the Ten Elements of Journalism?
-Your reaction:
       - How much did you know about this topic before viewing the video?
       - Where do you find yourself on the continuum of Privacy and Personal Liberty to Complete Digital Survelliance by the Government?
Paper must be printed, double spaced, page numbers, & stapled.  DUE DATE: Friday April 7.  Due on paper at the beginning of lab.  If late -10% first week, -20% second week, No credit after the second week.

Case Study of Media Propaganda (10%) Schedule HERE
Students will present a case study of a media propaganda situation.
-Define the propaganda situation (what, where, when, who, how, & questions)
-Tell an interesting story about the propaganda situation.
-Explain what propaganda techniques were used by whom.
-Explain who was the target audience.
-Was the propaganda campaign successful?  If so why, if not, why not?
Please create a handout for the audience (can be a web page online, or a paper handout).
Please assign readings or viewings (ex. YouTubes) AHEAD!.
Present your case study in an 5-8 minute informational talk to our class.  Use the feedback you received for the last presentation to improve this coming presentation.

Last Year's Schedule of presenters and topics