Week 3, Feb 1-5, 2016
CDAE 195 Propaganda, Media Ownership, and Citizen Responsibility


Check-In: Questions? 

Media Log & Paper Assignment Due. 

Here's an example: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/10/28/cruz_rips_press_at_cnbc_debate_this_debate_illustrates_why_we_can_not_trust_the_media.html

Anyone interested in presenting now?

Read BLUR chapters 6-End (thru page 234)
TEST on Book and material to date Monday Feb 29-March 4.

Check updated Syllabus

Dangerous Memes - How Cults Re-Wire the Brain, Dangerous MEMES TED talk by Dan Dennett,

Filter Bubbles
TED Talk by Eli Pariser.


Reading from To End All Wars by Adam Hochschild

The Great War  1914 Documentary

---- Friday ----

Ten steps for propaganda analysis.

Financial Inequality Video

Main tools for propaganda in WW I.

WW I  - Willie McBride Song & Print Media : Posters  songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS8Plp6aH7k
Out of Class Assignment: Watch the Youtube, and write a one to three page reflection paper on what THEMES you observed (and/or heard).  Due Wednesday (Feb 10) at the start of class.  If late -10% the first week, -20% the second week, no credit there after.

Out of Class ASSIGNMENT: Choose any presidential candidate speech that is online (Vimeo, YouTube, etc), and find at least five examples of Propaganda Techniques that are used.  Record what these techniques are, and when these techniques appear in the speech (Minutes: Seconds) and be prepared to show at least two of them to us using our classroom's computer.  Due Friday (Feb 5).  Hand in on paper: Your name, the link to the candidate's speech, and list the propaganda techniques and the time that they occur in the video link (Minutes: Seconds).

Students share their examples.

Looking ahead: Tuesday is the New Hampshire Presidential Primary!  The Media will try to "frame" the candidates.  Pick a few different media outlets and pay attention to how the candidates are being "framed", "couched", or "depicted".  Next Wednesday Prof. Richard Watts from CDAE will be visiting our class, and we will have another reflection assignment due on Friday Feb 12 on this topic.

Back to WW I - what new battlefield technology appeared in this war?

Barbara Tuchman's Guns of August.

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda (by Eric Bogle) sung by June Tabor

WW II - NAZI propaganda:  How did this happen?
    - Germany post WW I
    - Stock Market Crash 1929

    - World at War 1933-39 (start at 2:49 - 29:00 in class)
    - BBC's World at War - The Final Solution (0-7:00 in class) Part 1 & Part 2
    - Hitler takes power as Chancellor 1933 Speech.
    - Triumph of the Will – 1934 Hitler (43:00-52:00)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHs2coAzLJ8
    - Greatest Story Never Told (8:30-11:20)
    - The Fallen

Out of class Assignment: Read "The Third Wave" and write a one to three page reflection paper - What struck you about the read?  Did the reading help explain to you the rise of Naziism in Germany in the 1930s?  What current events did the read remind you of?  Due Wednesday Feb 17 at the beginning of class.

Coming up 5-8 minute presentation (March 14 - April 1):  Analysis of Media Company Presentation (10%): Students choose a media company or organization.
Student presentations should include (and have a handout or web page posting).  Schedule HERE:
  -What the organization and product do, mission, vision, etc.
  -Where the organization would fit in the Classification System in BLUR
  -Demonstrate an example of the media company product
  -Explain Who owns the company or organization
  -Explain Political leanings of company or organization
  -Explain the structure of company, and how they make money
  -Present a summary of company sales over time (last five years if possible)
  -Explain issues associated with the company