AGRI 85/002

Lab 7: Web Page Basics, Your Home Page on the Web:

DISCLAIMER: This webpage is meant as a quick summary of assignments. It is not meant to be a complete users manual, or recipe book that tells you the commands you use to complete the assignments. You need to come to lab and take notes to be able to complete the assignments.

To find the instructions on how to set up your own home page on the Web: go to UVM's home page and type in the URL for "Developing your own Webpages at UVM":

A simple, non-geek, web-design resource is:

Also, here is a good summary of HTML you may want to check out:

There are also lots of tutorial pages to visit in the CDAE 195 Bookmarks Web Site: (Scroll down to the TUTORIALS section).

It is also a good idea to read about copyright issues in:


<TITLE> {this appears on the very top title bar in the browser, not in the page itself} </TITLE>
</HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=######>  or <BODY BACKGROUND=file.jpg>

. . {This is the main section of the web page where you put in text, pictures, sound, video, etc.} .

</BODY >



<H1> Largest size header </H1>                         <H6> Smallest size header </H6>
<P> end of paragraph with extra line space          <BR> line break with no line space
<HR> horizontal line                                            <B> ... </B> bold face text
<i> ... </i> italic text                                             <FONT COLOR = RED> Try other colors
<CENTER> Text or pictures </CENTER>            <FONT SIZE=7> 1=smallest, 7=largest

<UL>                                                                   <OL>
<LI> BULLETED                                                <LI> NUMBERED
<LI> LIST                                                            <LI> LIST
</UL>                                                                  </OL>

<IMG SRC=file.gif> This is an image tag.  Make sure the file.gif is in the same directory as the html file, and that permissions have been changed.

<PRE> Here is some text in a text file format that you would like to be displayed as text in your web page. </PRE>

BODY BGCOLOR=: here's a URL that lists the colors and their numbers (######): http:/

BODY BACKGROUNDS: here's the URL for some you may use:

Making your files public on zoo:

Log in to zoo, cd public_html (so you are in your directory where all your web files should be), then:

        chmod 644 *.*

The "chmod" means "Change Mode".  The next three numbers refer to the Owner, that's you (6); the group (4); and everyone else (4).  The Permission numbers as follows:

Permission Number  Permission
0 No Permission at all
1 Execute Only
2 Write Only
3 Write and execute
4 Read only
5 Read and execute
6 Read and write
7 Read, write, and execute

By typing 644 *.* when you are in your public_html directory, you are giving yourself Read and write permission, your group and everyone else read only.  This way only you can change the files in your public_html directory.  If, for example you wanted to make the file MINE.HTML so that only you can see or edit a file, then:

 chmod 600 MINE.HTML


Navigate through the World Wide Web using Netscape and find the documents on developing your own web home page at UVM (see above). Read and possibly save and print these documents.  Set up a home page that follows the format of the page shown at URL: http://WWW.UVM.EDU/~tpatters/htmlab.htm Be creative with this assignment. Use the URL as the minimum that you must have, but be creative and add more for full credit. Visit other pages and view the source html code for ideas on how to creatively expand your home page. Print and hand in a copy of your home page showing the Zoo URL (http:// address) and a print out of the html source code Do not use an HTML editor! You should enter the tags yourself in a regular text editor. (30 points).