1st Sunday


C)    Santa Barbara oil spill/ Earth Day

D)    Cayuhoga River

E)     Lead in gasoline

F)     3 mile island/ nuclear power

G)    Bhopal

H)    Love Canal

I)      CFCs

J)      CO2/ climate change


4)  Policy analysis

A)    Normative, natural law, utilitarian, deontology, egotist

B)     Political-influence on government

C)    Ecological-Economic: Scale, distribution (environmental justice), allocation

D)    Quantitative/statistical

E)     Eco-illogical cycle



5.  Types of strategies/tactics: advocacy vs. service: Case Studies

A)    Adversarial

i)      Direct action

ii)     Legal

iii)   Boycotts

B)     Transformational

i)      Lobbying

ii)     Education

iii)   Legal

C)    Exemplary/Personal:  individual vs collective action

i)      Boycott/buycott

ii)     SR investing

iii)   Whistleblowing

iv)    Eco-villages


Day 3 Powerpoint


A)    Population: ZPG*

B)     Endangered species: Greenpeace

Greenpeace Storm-tossed article

, Earth Island*

C)    Forests: Earth First,

D)    Nuclear Power: SANE, PFPNW,

E)     Consumption: New American Dream, Adbusters*

F)     Air pollution/ CO2: VPIRG*

G)    Water pollution: VPIRG

H)    Land pollution/Toxic waste-Love Canal*

I)      Pesticides/organic food*

J)      Smart Growth: VT Forum on Sprawl*

K)    Over-arching issues/orgs/ Political: Green Party

L)     Lobbying: NRDC, FOE, EDF*, Natl Wildlife, Wilderness Society, etc.

*covered in class



Put together survey form for intern day.

Strategy, philosophy, structure, issues, fundraising, etc.

Choice of Issues and/or organizations for internship day.