CDAE 06-Energy Alternatives

Term:  Fall

(Available at bookstore)

Energy Systems and Sustainability, Boyle, Ramage, Everett

Open University/Oxford Press, 2003

Renewable Energy, Power for a Sustainable Future, Boyle

Open University/Oxford Press, 1996

The Party's Over, Heinberg, Richard

# Paperback: 288 pages
# Publisher: New Society Publishers (June 1, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0865715297



Exponential growth as a transient phenomenon in human history, MK Hubbert (13 pages)

The End of Cheap Oil. CJ Campbell, Jean Laherrere (6 pages)

Scientific American, 1998


Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower, 2009
Dr. Colin J. Campbell,
founder of ASPO, The Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas




Closed Coffin: Ending the Debate on "The End of Cheap Oil", A commentary, Michael Lynch (2 pages)

"The Ultmate Resource 2", Julian L. Simon

Chapter 3-Can the supply of natural Resources-Especially Energy-Really be Infinite? Yes! (13 pages)

Chapter 11-When will we run out of oil-Never! (19 pages)
* Publisher: Princeton Univ Pr; Revised edition (July 1, 1998)
* ISBN: 0691003815

The Skeptical Environmentalist (Chapter 11)
, Bjorn Lomberg (20 pages)

* Paperback: 496 pages
* Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Reprint edition (September 2001)
* ISBN: 0521010683

Hard Green, Saving the Environment from the environmentalists
(Chapters 4 and 7), Peter Huber

Basic Books

Ch4-18 pages

Ch7-16 pages

The Energy Spiral, Peter Huber

Forbes magazine, April 1, 2002 (2 pages)

Running Out of Resources, Bjorn Lomborg (7 pages)

USGS Petroleum Assessment 2000 (2 pages)


The Coming Oil Crisis. CJ Campbell, Jean Laherrere

* Paperback: 210 pages
* Publisher: Petroconsultants SA; (1997)
* ISBN: 0906522110

Energy and Society. Schobert. Taylor & Francis NY, London, 2002.

ISBN 1-56032-767-7

HD9502.A2 S3975 2001

Hubbert's Peak, Deffeyes, Kenneth

* Publisher: Princeton Univeristy Press (2001)
* ISBN: 0-691-09086-6

Soft Energy Paths, Lovins, Amory

* Publisher: Friends of the Earth (1977)
* ISBN: 0-88410-614-4

Energy, A Guidebook, Ramage, Janet

* Publisher: Oxford U Press (1983)
* ISBN: 0-19-219169-1

Energy Revolution, Geller, Howard

* Publisher: Island Press (2003)
* ISBN: 1-55963-964-4

Alternative Energy, Facts Statistics, and Issues, Berinstein, Paula

* Publisher: Oryx Press (2001)
* ISBN: 1-57356-248-3

World Energy Outlook 2000, International Energy Agency