Log of Plants
PBIO 109 - 2015

This list is a record by day
Tuesday July 14
Centennial Woods
circaea                1. enchanter's nightshade
Circaea, Onagraceae
opposite, simple leaves with pinnate venation, no stipules
glandular hairs, hooked hairs on the fruit
2. stinging nettle, Urtica

~opposite leaves with serrate edges
~bast fibers (aka phloem fibers or strong bark)
~venation is palmate (but with a number of secondaries arising from the midvein)
3. blackberry, Rubus

~alternate, palmately compound leaves;
~canes last two years, flower the second,
~stipules are precocious

We also talked about another member of the Rosaceae, avens (genus is Geum)
lily of the valley 4. lily of the valley, Convallaria Liliaceae/Asparagaceae

~parallel leaf veins
~sympodial branching (constant surrender of dominance)

TOXIN is a cardiac glycoside (smooth muscle stimulator, impact is on heart function)
celandine 5. celandine, Chelidonium

~colored latex (only Papaveraceae have colored latex in Vermont)
~alternate, pinnately compound leaves
Wednesday June 15
Oakledge Park
6. buttercup, Ranunculus Ranunculaceae

our most primitive eudicot:

~no fusion
~many stamens
~compound, palmate-design leaves
7. woundwort, Stachys
Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

key characters for the family:
~square stems
~opposite leaves
~4 nutlets
~connate corolla
~bilateral symmetry
~sepals radial, five
8. self-heal, Prunella
—Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
key characters for the family:
~square stems
~opposite leaves
~4 nutlets
~connate corolla
~bilateral symmetry
~sepals bilateral, five
9.Queen Anne's lace, Daucus, Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)

~separate, deeply lobed  petals
~minute sepals

Thursday June 16
Rock Point
10. Campanula, bellflower — Campanulaceae

~alternate simple, serrate  leaves without stipules

~connate corolla
~radial symmetry
~five free stamens

11. day lily, Hemerocallis — Hemarrhoeaceae

~two whorls of three tepals
~six stamens (these bilaterally symmetrical)
~secondaries parallel the midvein
rocket 12. dame's rocket, Hesperis -- Brassicaceae

~four separate sepals and petals
~six stamens, two short and four long
~disk of separate glands

13. chicory, Chicorium — Asteraceae (Compositae)
~blossom is actually a large group of small flowers
~connate corolla
~bilateral symmetry
~connate anthers

14. Indian hemp, Apocynum — Apocynaceae

~milky latex
~contorted estivation of petals
~connate corolla
~stamens adnate to the corolla
Monday July 20
Ethan Allen Homestead

15. Lysimachia

~stamens equal and opposite the petals

16. Lythrum
swamp loosestrife

~perianth of six parts
~stamens twice the petals, in two whorls
~hypanthium present, includes only sepals and petals

~heterostyly: three forms differing in lengths of stamens and styles

17 to 22. Marsh monocots. 
Tuesday July 21
Airport Park I

23. Spergularia,  sandspurrey

~opposite, simple leaves
~5 separate petals

24. Silene
white campion

~opposite, simple leaves
~swollen nodes
~fused calyx
~separate petals
~stamens twice the petals
~imperfect flowers, dioecious plants

We did not see the pistillate flower pictured here.

25. Lotus, Fabaceae bird's foot trefoil

~alternate compound leaves with stipules
~calyx of 5 fused sepals
~corolla bilateral, of five petals (banner wings and keels)-keels fused above the base
~10 stamens (2x petals); nine fused together
~one simple pistil

26. Trifolium, Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

~alternate compound leaves with stipules
~calyx of 5 fused sepals
~corolla bilateral, of five petals (banner wings and keels)-keels fused above the base
~10 stamens (2x petals); nine fused together
~one simple pistil
Wednesday July 22
Airport Park II

Thursday July 23
Airport Park III

27. Hudsonia, golden heather

28–40, Bog plants

41. Cephalanthus, Rubiaceae

~opposite or whorled simple leaves
~radial symmetry
~stipules present, fused
~ 4-5 fused petals, 4-5 sepals
~stamens = petals. ~adnate to petals
~ovary compound, inferior
~inflorescence a head