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Several students from the Fall 2001 Semester Class of EdEl 188

Gave A Presentation Of  Our CI Work At The 2002 Neero Conference.

These are photos and commentary from the conference.

We were a happy group when our presentation ended.  Everyone had worked hard to put this idea together. From left to right are Gillian, Nancy, Liza, and Charlie.

We discovered some problems with our powerpoint presentation and there was a bit of tension present as we worked to fix the glitches.  Gillian serves as the "techy" while Liza and Nancy offer lots of moral support.

Nancy's taking the participants through a tour of herself as teacher.  Each of us brought data from our schools about the status order in our classrooms and what we designed into our CI rotations to address the issues of participation brought on by the status ordering.

Liza fields a question.  Our attending group was small but active and we had a solid dialogue with the participants.

Gillian talks about her work with Vermont History in  her 3/4/5 multiage classroom.